Type Of Business


Type Of Website


Services Provided

Web Design, Hosting, ToGo, Invoicing, Transaction Viewer, Product Maintenance, Customer Maintenance


D Morris Butchers is run by Daniel Morris he has three shops across north Wales. Also has a successful catering business as well selling meat, fruit and veg.

The Challenge

Daniel came to South Coast Systems as he needed a solution to improve his workflow and productivity for both parts of his business. He found his existing software lacking and not getting the help or expertise he required. Daniel had an old WIX website that was slow and difficult to make changes on and all the orders were processed manually. This again was very time consuming and required him to enter data twice. Daniel was spending a lot of time duplicating his work and wasting a lot of time managing his business.

The Solution

First of all we implemented Dimension Pro to run his retail business. Dimension now manages all three shops products and totals. At the end of the day Daniel receives and email with all the totals from his shops, this allows him to see how well everything is going. The next stage was to run the Catering side of his business, we imported all of his customers and Daniel built his bespoke prices list with our tuition. Once Daniel completed building his catering price list, he then rolled all his customers out on Dimension. Once the orders are completed the customer now gets an email of the invoice, and the delivery drivers get a delivery note printed out automatically for them. He can email new and updated Price lists to customers.

Then next on the list was making website orders easier. We redesigned his main website and then built a specific Christmas site as well. This has made Christmas a lot easier for him as all the orders are automatically received by Dimension. Then he can forecast stock and even produce cutting and picking sheets for his butchers.  Also all changes to both sites are made through Dimension which has cut his work load in half. The customer experience is also a lot better as well.


What our customer said.